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Sustainable Monarch Admitted To The Land Trust Alliance

Sustainable Monarch has become a Member of The Land Trust Alliance (LTA). The LTA is the voice of the land trust community. As the national leader in policy, standards, education and training, they work passionately to support land trusts so they can save and secure more lands now and for future generations.

Sustainable Monarch is working to establish a network of permanently protected reserves that are managed specifically for butterflies. These sites will serve as landing pads for Monarchs and other species to move across the landscape and facilitate adaptation to changing conditions. Linking corridors of other conservation activities together, the sanctuaries will provide the resources butterflies need for their entire life cycle. Additionally, the projects will enhance the economies of local communities by fostering businesses that make products from plants like milkweed without degrading the resource. In fact, more habitat will be created as a portion of proceeds from the sale of milkweed products are reinvested into the future for pollinators.

The tools provided by the Land Trust Alliance will permit Sustainable Monarch to operate with the highest standards of excellence and access connections continent-wide to help Monarchs and allow future generations to enjoy nature's bounty. If you would like to work with us to protect land as open space for butterflies through donating property, a conservation easement or cooperative management agreement, please reach out to our Executive Director, Marcus Gray, at to discuss how Sustainable Monarch can assist you in establishing your legacy for butterflies.

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